Our local WTS partner firm in Sierra Leone is WTS Nobisfields.
WTS Nobisfields is a leading tax law firm that focuses on tax (including tax controversy ) and business tax compliance. It provides services to multinational companies as well as to high net worth individuals doing business in Sierra Leone.
Our team provides legal and tax services to companies in Sierra Leone as most deals have tax implications, or a need to improve tax efficiency, as well as providing advice directly to clients on tax structuring and tax-based transactions.
Our service delivery is bespoke and of world class. Our teams have expert in law, tax and finance.
We advise large domestic and international companies doing business in Sierra Leone and their shareholders, on all aspects of the law, e.g. tax optimization, compliance, transfer pricing, tax assurance and estate planning. Our tax specialists enjoy excellent relationships with the Ghana tax authorities as well as internationally.
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We will respond to you as soon as possible.