Our local WTS partner firm in Thailand is Lorenz & Partners.
Lorenz & Partners is an international firm of business lawyers and consultants headquartered in Bangkok since 1995. The firm specialises in legal, tax and business consultation for foreign companies investing in Southeast Asia. Our Lead Partners are also Registered Foreign Lawyers in Hong Kong and Vietnam.
The firm's clients are mostly large European and American enterprises investing or doing business in Southeast Asia.
As a "One-Stop-Coordinator", the firm offers our clients integrated consulting services. The concept is of particular interest to companies that, for reasons of efficiency, prefer to mandate only one consultant for the complete planning, handling and supervision of their entire engagement in Asia. Due to our long-time cooperation with partners, authorities and local companies in the region, our company established a network that enables us to handle your projects in an efficient and target-oriented way.
The economic success of our clients is our top priority. Therefore, instead of the usual standardised procedures used by most firms, Lorenz and Partners offers an individual and personal consultation customised to your particular project and your company's requirements. Consequently, your consultant is available for questions at any time – even beyond regular office hours.
View news by Lorenz & Partners here.
If you have any questions about WTS Global or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.