1. Bonus for young people of excellence: Social Contributions Relief
Since 1 January 2020, a social contributions relief (i.e. a reduction on the social contribu-tions due) has been dictated for the following categories:
2. Paternity leave for employees
For calendar year 2020, Article 1 of Law 160/2019 (among the actions of the so-called “2020 family package”) has increased up to seven the number of days which may be used by male private employees as parental leave. On an experimental basis, the number of leave days has progressively increased, especially since 2016, within the scope of a better sharing of parenthood. Said leave can be used for births, adoptions and foster care, wheth-er national or international. The period to consider refers to the events occurring between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Leave days must be used within five months from when the child is born or from when the adopted child is welcomed by the family, in case of adoptions or foster care, and therefore during the mother’s maternity leave or even afterwards, but within the said limit. The stipulated days may be taken consecutively or non-consecutively.
3. The constant rise of ”smart working”
A study conducted by the smart working observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico of Milan reports that in Italy there are approximately 570,000 smart workers, 20% more compared to 2018. This increase has doubled in comparison to the previous years, and shows that there is an increasing interest in such modality. A directive of 2017 by the President of the Council of Ministers shows the willingness to extend smart working also to at least 10% of the applying public employees.
Working time is managed by the employee, provided the working hours stipulated in the contract are met. According to a survey carried out by Bocconi University, the advantages of this are the employee’s satisfaction and the improved work performance. In addition, the company benefits from reduced costs for rent, electricity, heating, meal vouchers and the company canteen
With this newsletter we give an overview of recent or expected changes in the area of Global Mobility in different countries.
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