Our WTS Global experts are happy to present to you the fifth edition of our Real Estate Investment Guide. As usual, our guide provides you with a comprehensive overview of all real estate related tax aspects in 50 countries. The information is based on the experience of dedicated real estate tax practitioners of WTS Global.
Global commercial real estate investments reached an all-time high of USD 800bnin 2019 as investors continued to seek out the solid return and relative stability of this asset class. Despite the corona crisis, we do not anticipate major changes in the attractiveness of real estate assets, especially due to the fact that the spending policy of national budgets “stabilize” the low interest environment and the bottleneck of valid investment opportunities. In parallel, the deficit spending increases the importance of taxation for the fiscal authorities. Therefore tax issues related to real estate remain crucial. This guide will for the first time only be available in digital form, with no printedversion. This is a humble contribution of WTS Global to the environment. In addition to thanking our readers for your continued support and helpful feedback, we would like to express our gratitude towards all colleagues of the WTS globalnetwork who have contributed to this edition and without whom we would not have been able to put together such a concise, yet comprehensive guide. We furthermore extend a special “Thank you!” to our colleague Tamas Dely from WTS Global Business Development for his valuable organisational contribution and the pleasant layout of the guide. We hope this Real Estate Investment Guide will not only assist you in avoiding the pitfalls of manoeuvring through the tax jungle of international real estate investments, but also support you in finding new markets and business opportunities. Should you require any further indepth information on real estate investments intoa particular country, please feel free to contact us or the relevant local contact person. WTS Global is always at your service.
Click here for downloading the Real Estate Guide 2020.
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