Last week, on 27 May 2021, we organized the first of four free interactive web events of our Tiberghien World Tour 2021. In these events, local experts of our WTS Global network give first-hand insights in the latest tax developments that are relevant for Belgium-based companies that are active or consider starting up activities in the jurisdiction(s) involved. Tiberghien moderates the discussions and workshops to ensure all questions of participants get answered. The first event covered the Americas and our WTS network firms of the US (GTM and Valentiam) and Latin America (LATAXNET) presented the latest developments and were available for one-to-one meetings to address specific questions.
Many Belgium-based companies participated and highly appreciated the approach taken for this event. By organizing multiple workshops simultaneously, participants could select the ones they were most interested in. Recordings of all technical presentations are however available for participants or any interested party, so they can be (re)viewed at a later moment. Recordings are available at the following link:
For those that may have missed the first event, we have listed below our key takeaways.
We hope to welcome you at one of the remaining three events, Middle East & Africa (10 June 2021), Asia-Pacific (17 June 2021) or Europe (September 2021). For more details and registration, please visit
If you have any questions about WTS Global or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.