Provisional Measure (MP) 1152, published on December 29, 2022, substantially amended the Brazilian transfer pricing rules currently in force for transactions carried out between related parties, with the purpose of aligning them with the OECD Guidelines.
The MP comes into effect on January 1, 2024, but taxpayers may choose to apply it as from January 1, 2023. The MP is still pending regulation by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service.
The MP must be voted by the National Congress within 120 days and sanctioned by the President so that it can be valid after that period.
Arm’s Length principle
Methods and comparability analysis
Transfer pricing adjustments
• Introduction of the concept of commodities, with no list of commodities
• Need to properly evidence the date of the transaction
• Specific ancillary obligation/registration for transactions involving commodities
Intragroup services
Cost Contribution Arrangements
Business restructuring
Financial transactions
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