Serbia is an emerging tech hub in Europe. Consequently, Serbia introduced Law on digital assets (Law) in 2021 to regulate and promote Web3, being one of few European countries introducing such legislation.
Local Web3 community hopes this is also a breakthrough in developing Serbian undeveloped financial markets.
The Law regulated issuing and secondary trade of digital assets (crypto currencies and digital tokens), as well as:
With digital tokens company can solve:
It is important to check if digital token has characteristics of financial instruments in accordance with the Law on capital market. If not, companies can perform ICO in accordance with the Law and reduce costs, procedures and time. Digital token has no characteristics of a financial instrument provided:
Some of digital tokens’ characteristics may be:
Therefore, digital tokens can be similar to bonds, but also similar to different marketing programs (e.g. loyalty cards). There are some similarities to crowdfunding, but it also provides secondary trading market.
ICO prospectus (White paper) is approved by Securities Exchange Commission.
In Serbia it is possible to get part of salary through digital assets. Tax treatment is the same as regular salary (10% tax rate).
Personal income tax on mining is 20% of market value of mined crypto.
Individuals trading with digital assets are subject to capital gains tax (15% of profit). All transactions (from digital asset to cash or from digital asset to other asset etc.), regardless of the way of acquiring assets (trade, employment, mining) are subject to capital gains tax. There are some reliefs:
Personal income from holding digital assets are taxed either at 15% or 20%.
Gifted or inherited assets of value higher than 850 EUR are taxable at 2.5% max.
Regarding companies, both income from holding digital assets, mining and capital gains are included in corporate tax base (15% rate). There are possible reliefs for capital gains, e.g. if funds are invested in a domestic company.
After 2 years of Law’s introduction, local web3 community raised a public discussion calling for amendments of the Law, proposing changes such as:
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