We hope you may find interesting the latest version of the WTS Global Financial Services Newsletter presenting taxation related news from six countries with a focus on the international Financial Services industry.
The following participants in the WTS Global network are contributing with a diverse range of FS tax topics, e.g. the CJEU GA Opinion in favor of Finnish pension institution regarding Sweden and WHT reclaims, the Supreme Administrative court request CJEU for a preliminary ruling on the application of VAT Directive on financial services in Finland and the delivery of the 2024 Spring Budget in the United Kingdom:
China: Further encouragement for QFLP’s inbound investment and financing
Germany: German Tax Law and Regulatory Implications on Crypto Investments via Investment Funds
Germany: Germany intends to launch 200 bn Euro pension fund
Germany: Real Estate funds - significant tax law changes enacted
Germany: Landmark decision - Good news for foreign investment funds seeking to recover German WHT
Sweden: Sweden and WHT reclaims - CJEU GA Opinion in favour of Finnish pension institution
Italy: The Italian Investment Management Exemption law: new implementing rules
Luxembourg: The Luxembourg Administrative Court's Interpretation of Loan vs. Equity Characteristics
United Kingdom: 2024 UK Spring Budget
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