Remote working has increased significantly since the beginning of COVID-19. The conducting of professional activities in a location other than the worker’s official workplace raised several challenges, namely a risk of a foreign permanent establishment (PE). OECD recognised the potential impacts on cross-border situations and issued specific guidance suggesting harmonised solutions (link). At the time, OECD assumed remote working would create issues ‘during this exceptional period’. Reality showed that remote working lasted longer than the pandemic and is now a key aspect of companies’ work-life balance policies.
According to the OECD commentaries to the Model Tax Convention, where ‘a home office is used on a continuous basis for conducting business activities for an enterprise and it is clear […] that the enterprise has required the individual to use that location to conduct the enterprise’s business […], the home office may be considered to be at the disposal of the enterprise’, i.e. a PE.
Remote working for the benefit of the employer?
VdA has been facing several requests for tax analysis/PE risk assessments regarding companies that hire workers who are physically present in Portugal, not necessarily upon instructions or for the benefit of the employer, but as a result of their own personal interest. Companies would nonetheless be confronted with the question to confirm whether the employee’s choice (to work from Portugal) creates any tax liability for the employer.
In our view, the PE risk should be primarily linked with an interest of the company, and not a discretionary decision of the worker. Thus, although a case-by-case analysis is recommendable, we take the view that it is possible to mitigate a PE risk in Portugal considering the following:
Even though the above points are merely indicative, we think their observance and monitoring could help to mitigate a PE risk in Portugal.
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