The Polish government is currently working on amendments to the Polish Tax Code (Ordynacja podatkowa) in response to a recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). These draft amendments, which were added to the legislative agenda of the Polish Cabinet on 14 June 2024, aim to bring Polish law in line with the CJEU's decision issued on 8 June 2023 in the case C-322/22.
The CJEU judgment found that certain provisions of Polish tax law, which limit or deny interest on overpaid Polish withholding tax (WHT), are incompatible with EU law, particularly the principle of effectiveness and the principle of sincere cooperation as outlined in Article 4(3) TEU.
Under current Polish tax law, specifically Article 78(5) of the Polish Tax Code, interest on WHT overpayments accrues:
For further details, please refer to the Polish sections of the WTS Global Financial Services Infoletters #30, dated 23 October 2023, and #31, dated 17 January 2024.
The proposed amendments aim to rectify this breach of EU law by ensuring that interest on WHT refund claims resulting from a CJEU ruling will accrue from the date the overpayment occurred until the overpaid WHT is either refunded or settled against future tax liabilities.
The CJEU ruling and the proposed legislative amendments have significant implications for Polish taxpayers affected by the current Polish tax law on interest, especially in cases where overpayments occurred beyond the 30-day window.
The proposed amendments are currently at the stage of intra-cabinet consultations.
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