Personnel secondment is characterized by the temporary dissociation between the holder of the employment relationship (“Home Company”) and the beneficiary of the work service (“Host Company”). Although in the course of the secondment the work service must be performed for the benefit of the Host Company, from a functional point of view the employment contract with the Home Company continues to operate, as the employment relationship remains with the latter. The use of this labour law instrument is particularly frequent in the context of MNEs.
From an Italian labour law perspective, the secondment of personnel is regulated by Article 30 of Legislative Decree No. 276/2003, according to which “an employer, in order to satisfy its own interest, temporarily puts one or more workers at the disposal of another party for the performance of a specific work activity”. The second paragraph of said Article states that “in the case of secondment, the employer remains responsible for the economic and legal treatment of the worker”.
For a more detailed exploration of these topics, please refer to the attached PDF.
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