In December 2024, the first foreign investment fund received the payment of a tax refund under the principle of non-discrimination enshrined in Article 63 TFEU, following the landmark rulings of the German Federal Fiscal Court (BFH) on 13 March 2024 (I R 1/20 and I R 2/20).
This initial refund is likely the first of many, with the German Ministry of Finance estimating the total reimbursement volume at EUR 7.5 billion.
The BFH decisions affirmed that the German withholding tax (WHT) levied on dividends paid to foreign investment funds between 2004 and 2017 violated EU law due to its discriminatory nature compared to domestic funds, which benefited from a 0% WHT rate. WTS previously reported on these pivotal rulings in the WTS Global Financial Services Infoletter # 33, published on 17 September 2024.
However, securing timely WHT refunds requires applicants to navigate complex procedural, operational and documentation challenges. For instance, funds must establish comparability with domestic funds and provide evidence of economic ownership of the German dividend-bearing shares.
A further challenge lies in retrieving tax vouchers for earlier application years, as organizing such documents may be difficult, especially for early years.
Foreign corporate investment funds that submitted both, double tax treaty (DTT) related WHT reduction claims (reduction from 26,375% to usually 15%) and EU-law-based claims for a 0% WHT rate may have a distinct advantage in providing evidence of the WHT suffered, compared to investment funds in contractual legal form. In such cases, the original tax vouchers are typically already on file with the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) as part of the original DTT-based refund application. Instead of re-submitting these certificates in the context of the recent EU-law-based claims, funds may provide a copy of the original BZSt decision on the DTT application or, at a minimum, reference the original BZSt decision case number to satisfy the documentation requirement.
Given the opportunity, WTS recommends that investment funds and asset managers proactively organize their documentation and prepare for potential follow-up questions from the BZSt.
For further guidance on managing claims or to discuss tailored solutions, please contact our team at WTS Germany. Our experts are not only well-prepared to support the tax-legal aspects of outstanding German legacy reclaim applications before the German tax administration or before German tax courts, but also - through dedicated software solutions – to handle the operational challenges of supporting the reclaim procedure of a multitude of funds until a final payment is received.
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