We hope you may find interesting the latest version of the WTS Global Financial Services Newsletter presenting taxation related news from nine countries with a focus on the international Financial Services industry .
The following participants in the WTS Global network are contributing with a diverse range of FS tax topics, e.g. a recent CJEU judgment concerning foreign insurance companies and Dutch WHT on dividends, the first WHT refund granted to foreign investment fund in Germany, and some relevant updates to Singapore’s tax incentive schemes for funds:
Hot Topic:
Czech Republic – WTS Alfery
Czech Republic: News on crypto-assets and employee shares
Germany – WTS Germany:
Germany: First WHT refund granted to foreign investment fund in Germany
Norway – SANDS Advokatfirma
Norway: New decision on refund of withholding tax for US RIC
Poland – WTS SAJA
Poland: Directive-based WHT exemptions for dividends, interest and royalties
Singapore – WTS Taxise
Singapore: Updates to Singapore’s tax incentive schemes for funds
Serbia – WTS Porezi i Finansije:
United Kingdom – FTI Consulting:
United Kingdom: HMRC’s transfer pricing guidelines for compliance (GfC)
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