As recently announced by the Peruvian Tax authorities, taxpayers that belong to a multinational group with ultimate parent entity in one of the 36 countries listed, with whom the MCAA for automatic exchange of CbCR 2017 is active, are not required to file the CbCR 2017 in Peru.
Regarding those residents that do not belong to a multinational group whose ultimate parent entity is one of the 36 countries listed with whom the MCAA for automatic exchange of CbCR is active, the Peruvian Tax authority has published today a disposition that postpones the obligation to file the CbCR 2017 and 2018. In Peru, the due dates to file the CbCR 2017 started as from today until March 22.
Said postponement is only applicable in case the jurisdiction of residence of the parent entity has entered into an International Treaty or Decision of the Commission of the Andean Community in force with Peru, which authorizes the exchange of tax information.
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