Mergers, acquisitions, initial public offerings and other capital measures are complex processes with many potential tax pitfalls that can turn success into failure.
Our M&A specialists have extensive experience in assisting companies with all types of transactions and M&A tax. Our global M&A team from more than 100 countries disposes of sufficient ‘critical mass’, which allows us to have a specialist with extensive expertise in any domain that is crucial for success in M&A.
Our range of services start with optimizing the structure of a transaction, but also includes settling all matters with financial authorities and tax, legal, and financial advice for the time after closing.
At WTS Global, we are aware that M&A and similar measures require high quality work under major time pressure. Our professionals have gained experience in international consulting firms and large corporations and are ready to join your transaction team at short notice – for timely, accurate and reliable results.
As WTS Global member firms exclusively provide tax consulting services, regulatory conflicts with auditors can be ruled out from the start.
We advise in public and private M&A and our services include but are not limited to:
One of our strengths is our multidisciplinary approach. As a result, we can involve tax experts in real estate and real estate funds, stock option plans, financing, financial advisory etc. We can also support transactions involving family businesses with our specific expertise in estate planning, and we can apply our international expertise in advising on cross-border transactions and reorganizations.
During the whole process of a transaction, you will have a senior partner who acts as a single point of contact for you. Many of our member firms are highly ranked in M&A tax.
If you have any questions about WTS Global or our global services, please get in touch.
We will respond to you as soon as possible.